What is Golden Milk?
The New York Times calls it a “calming elixir.” It’s filled with anti-inflammatory properties, can increase antioxidant capacity, and even can improve brain function. When it comes to turmeric, “golden lattes” is something that your health-conscious customers will simply love.
But what’s our take on turmeric over at Two Leaves and a Bud? Well, we think a healthy latte should actually be...healthy. That’s why our Two Roots Turmeric Ginger Latte Mix only has 4 grams of sugar, making it the Goldilocks of golden lattes: just sweet enough to be tasty, without adding too much sugar into your customers’ diets.
In addition to its beautiful color, here’s the other bright side of Two Roots Turmeric Ginger Latte Mix – it’s also dairy-free, so you have plenty of room to add milk alternatives and syrups that can make for fun, creative recipes you can showcase in your shop and on social media.
Here’s How to Brew Up the Perfect Turmeric Latte
12oz Latte: 14g / 1 heaping Tbsp.
16oz Latte: 19g / 2 level Tbsp.
Try it Iced!
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